Full Papers

Full papers presenting valid, original, relevant cutting edge research that will be reviewed to the highest academic standards. Reviewing will pay additional attention to the application of the related scientific literature and theory, to the use of an appropriate research methodology, and to technical, mathematical and statistical correctness (10-14 pages, LNCS format).

Short Papers

Short papers introducing cutting edge research in progress and outstanding that do not have yet a comprehensive evaluation as full papers but still suppose a contribution in the domain of information systems and technologies for emergency management (6-7 pages, LNCS format).

Demo Papers

Demo papers presenting new developments in emergency management and policy making, discussing approaches, methods, tools, (best) practices and standards. These papers should focus on practical issues and concerns and raise challenges for future research, and will be reviewed to the highest practice-oriented standards (4 pages, LNCS format).

Important Days

29-May-2017: Paper Submission Deadline

03-July-2017: Authors' Notification

17-July-2017: FINAL Camera-Ready Paper

Additional Information

All papers should be written in English and submitted electronically in PDF format through the conference system https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iscrammed2017

You can download the LNCS format.

Every submitted paper will be evaluated by at least three members of the program committee. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, to appear in the Springer series “Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing” (LNBIP). Final publication in the proceedings is conditioned to the registration to the conference of at least one author of the paper.